Providing Harvest Families With Nutritious Chicken
With the generosity and support of our Manitoba Chicken Producers farm families and our industry partners Sunrise Farms and Exceldor Cooperative, we formally launched our Caring for Communities partnership with Harvest Manitoba on April 23, 2020.
We provided an initial donation of 3,000 chickens to individuals in need due to an urgent demand for protein, during the start of COVID-19. Our initial donation of chickens served a broad range of communities, reaching at least 1,500 First Nations individuals, newcomer families and hundreds of children. As of November, 2023, Harvest provides food for more than 108,000 Manitobans each month, and Manitoba Chicken Producers is proud to play a part in supporting Harvest and the greater community.
Caring for Communities officially launched July 2020, with the commitment of providing Harvest Manitoba with 1,000 chickens a week to help meet the on-going demand for a nutritious source of protein.
We are very pleased to announce our continued Caring for Communities partnership with Harvest Manitoba into 2024, marking our fifth consecutive year of commitment. Manitoba Chicken Producers and our industry partners are proud to give back to the communities in which we live and work.
Media Coverage

Media Advisory for Immediate Release - January 31, 2024
Manitoba Chicken Producers, on behalf of its farm families and industry partners Sunrise Farms and Exceldor Cooperative, is pleased to announce its continued Caring for Communities partnership with Harvest Manitoba for the fifth consecutive year.
Manitoba Chicken Producers, Exceldor Cooperative, and Dunn-Rite Food Continue Partnership with Harvest Manitoba to Support Families in Need
Harvest Manitoba – December 18, 2021
Harvest thanks Manitoba Chicken for recommitting to providing 1,000 chickens a week. “That’s healthy food for hungry Manitobans. WOW! We don’t have the words… except a big THANK YOU! We are a community of #HarvestStars!”
Harvest Manitoba Newsletter – December 2021
Let’s follow the 16,000 lbs of chicken from Manitoba Chicken Producers that will be the holiday dinner for vulnerable Manitobans this year. (See page 5).
Canstar News Sou’Wester – November 24, 2021
The amazing journey of a Harvest meal. How our community of Harvest Stars comes together to put food on 80,000 tables.
Media Release – April 23, 2020
Manitoba Chicken Producers, Exceldor Cooperative, and Dunn-Rite Food Products to provide extra Nutrition to Hungry Manitobans
Winnipeg Free Press – April 23, 2020
Manitoba Chickens Come Home Via Food Bank Program
The Manitoba Chicken Producers, along with Exceldor Cooperative and Dunn-Rite Food Products, developed the Caring for Communities partnership
Canstar News Sou’wester – May 11, 2020
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner: Manitoba Chicken Donates to Winnipeg Harvest
If you’re a recipient of one of our whole chickens and you’re not sure how to prepare it, we’ve provided Harvest Manitoba with copies of this infographic to eliminate the guesswork.

Have other questions about cooking with chicken? Be sure to visit our Cooking School page where you will find answers to your preparing, cooking, and storing chicken questions.

If you would like to join us in supporting Harvest Manitoba, please visit for ways to get involved or donate.